Nice to see Frame Magazine feature the Civic Education Resource Centre which I worked on with Marc & Chantal Design. CommArts described it as a welcoming environment to teach youth cultural- and self-awareness, personal responsibility and citizenship. It was a challenge to define the storyline and interpret the content into a way which a notoriously skeptical audience (teenagers) would find engaging but I think the end result is sufficiently intriguing. The Gallery divided into five segments titled, My Room, My Home, My Neighbourhood, My City and My Country.
The tour begins in My Room, a bedroom-like environment, where emphasis is placed on the individual. Further on, the My Home zone focuses on the interpersonal issues teenagers face within a family by mirroring a typical family-apartment with playful hints of Hong Kong (traditional mailboxes and Chinese incense pots) created with white-on-white die-cut patterns. Peering through a window from My Home reveals My Neighborhood; focusing on peer relationships and social interaction, it resembles a basketball court in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park, with layers of shapes and outlines of mature trees framing the playing area. Finally, My City and My Country encourages visitors to discuss their personal goals and reflect on how they can contribute as individuals to the betterment of their society.
From self-image to interpersonal skills, each segment of the exhibition is intended to encourage the young students to think for themselves, interact with their peers and take ownership of their experiences.
The CERC can be found at 7/F, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m., Saturday to Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Closed Public Holidays