Threads of Life featured in SCMP

週五 17 6 月 2022 公司新闻

The ‘Threads of Life’ digital art piece developed by Winkle-picker in association with Sugar Design (HK) Ltd and IOIO has been featured in the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

An NFT exhibition entitled METAVISION, considered the most diverse of its kind in Hong Kong to date, is being held at K11 MUSEA in Tsim Sha Tsui, where visitors will have the chance to see a selection of NFT artworks from around the world. HSBC is taking part in the exhibition and the bank has transformed the Gold Ball at K11 MUSEA into a dedicated exhibition zone. The area is equipped with high-tech panels to showcase the story of the bank’s pioneering involvement in NFT art.

“HSBC is at the front line and a pioneer in art and technology within the industry,” says Brian Hui, Head of Customer Propositions and Marketing, Wealth and Personal Banking at HSBC Hong Kong, adding that the bank is fully supportive of this initiative and committed to taking the customer experience well beyond the norm for retail banking. “We have taken the opportunity to elevate our two owned digital art assets – The Art of Progress and Threads of Life – to the next level. The two digital art pieces were originally designed to provide an interesting and interactive experience when we opened our wealth centres. They have now turned into NFT art.”

Threads of Life was inspired by a tapestry art in the HSBC archives. The animals and flowers on the tapestry symbolise fortune and prosperity. “A peacock symbolises beauty, dignity and wealth, echoing the initiatives of HSBC synergising traditional heritage and modernity to provide extraordinary services for our clients,” Hui adds.