Every day for 30 days we will be featuring a museum object that has inspired or intrigued us, in the hope that “an object a day keeps the doctor away.” We love creating exciting, meaningful storytelling through engaging experiences, but still firmly believe that it is hard to beat the thrill of being in the presence of authentic artefacts. Today’s object is: the Jadeite cabbage.
週五 10 4 月 2020
An object a day #2: Jadeite cabbage
週四 09 4 月 2020
An object a day #1: Nelson’s Trafalgar coat
Every day for 30 days we will be featuring a museum object that has inspired or intrigued us, in the hope that “an object a day keeps the doctor away.” We love creating exciting, meaningful storytelling through engaging experiences, but still firmly believe that it is hard to beat the thrill of being in the presence of authentic artefacts. Today’s object is: Nelson’s Trafalgar coat.
週二 22 1 月 2019
Zombie museums spawn across China
A recent report in the South China Morning Post highlights the vast number of white elephant museum projects across China. The precursor to this is something that myself and other professionals have come across repeatedly over the last twenty years.
週五 16 11 月 2018